World Breastfeeding Week

This years theme, "Step up for Breastfeeding", seeks to involve governments, communities and individuals. The theme aims to raise awareness about sustainable breatfeeding environments. 

Cheif Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Professor Alison McMillan, reflected 'we should not underestimate the benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and babies'. 

Importance of breastfeeing 

Breastfeeding provides a baby with all nutrition they need for their first 6 months and influences lifelong health for both Mum and bub. Breastfeeing is a sustainable and natural option for infant feeding and helps ensure food security for babies across all populations.

Professir McMillan added 'breastfeeing sets up a baby's immune system. It decreases their risk of many illnesses and decrease a mother's risk of breast and ovarian cancer later in life'. Even if you are not able to feed your baby at the breast, you can still give expressed or donor breastmilk to ensure a strong nutritional start to life.

Breastfeeding is the natural first food for babies, but it can be challenging, and everyone's brestfeeding journey is different. It is a womens right to breastfeed in public so let's work together to create a supportive environment and Step Up For Breastfeeding. 

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